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Concerto pour harpe et orchestre. Réduction pour harpe et piano

Fernande DECRUCK Arrangement by Matthew AUBIN


Instrument family Harp
Catalog classifications Harp and piano
Instrument nomenclature Grande harpe et piano
Total duration 00:23:00
Publisher Éditions Billaudot
Collection RICQUEBOURG Anne
Cotage GB10237
Total number of pages 86
Languages French, English
Cycle / Level concert
Target audience Young people, Adults
Musical style Modern
Directory type Original work(s)
Copyright year 2022
EAN code 9790043102373
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The Concerto pour harpe et orchestre, was dedicated ta and premiered by French harpist and pedagogue Pierre Jamet with the Concerts Colonne (Paul Paray, conductor) on March 31, 1946. Jamet later became the harp professor at the Conservatoire de Paris in 1948. Decruck's Concerto shares similarities with Germaine Tailleferre's Sonate pour harpe. It is a concertino in style, light-hearted, wann, and fùll of surprises. At the premier performance by Concerts Colonne, Henry Malherbe from Les étoiles commented that the Concerto was "A work of lively and delicate feeling. A renowned harpist, Pierre Jamet has carved out a great success." Decruck must not have been fùlly satisfied, though. In her definitive score, she states that the original fourth movemen a fughetta, should be suppressed. This concerto was recorded in 2022 by harpist Chen-Yu Huang with the Jakson Symphony Orchestra and conductor Matthew Aubin (Claves Records 3046). Matthew AUBIN